Monday, December 7, 2009
Can animals coexist with other animals?
The answer to that is hard to answer. It's hard to answer because most of the time no. One example to show that an animal and an animal cannot coexist between one another is this video from this website- An easy example to show that is a cat and dog. Cats and dogs usually don't get along, so they can't coexist together. Sometimes they can coexist together. The only way I can think an animal and another animal can coexist together is when they're babies. Even when they're enemies, they play with each other. Babies really don't know the difference, but when they grow up they realize that they're enemies. This only happens in zoos not in the wild. Not in the wild because most of the time they leave each other alone. If you know any other way an animal and another animal can coexist together please post a comment because that's the only way I know. Also, if you know any more information about this topic please post a comment. I really want to know more about this topic from everybody else.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Can plants and animals co-exist together?

Plants and animals can co exist and not co-exist together. An example to show that they do co-exist is bees and flowers. A bee needs a flower because it uses the pollen from the flower to make honey. There is a picture on the right. Another example is a clownfish and a sea anemone. The sea anemone helps the clown fish by harming the predators that want to harm them. The clownfish has a coating that protects it from the tenticles of the sea anemone. To show how a plant and animal can't co exist together is a cactus and an animal that lives in the desert like a meerkat. A rose bush and a bird can't get along. The reason is that the thorns can harm the birds feet or anything else like their wings. There is a thing called symbiosis. Which means animals and plants working together or helping each other. Not everything about symbiosis is about plants and animals helping each other. It could be about an animal and a animal helping each other or a plant and a plant helping each other. This website is mainly about symbiosis and the website gives you some examples about symbiosis. Like the clownfish and the sea anemone that I told you about. As you can see, plants and animals can co-exist and not co-exist together.
Friday, October 30, 2009
What is Buddhism?

What is Buddhism? If you don't know, that's okay. This blog is going to tell you what it's about and anything else you need to know about Buddhism. Once your done reading this blog, you can go out and tell all your friends what you have learned about Buddhism.
Buddhism was founded by a guy named Siddhartha Gautama, an Indian prince. They call him the Buddha. It was founded in c. 520 B.C.E. in Northeastern India. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world. 360 million people follow this religion. This religion started in Northeastern India and expanded to China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.
Holy Books/Sacred Texts
One of the holy books/sacred texts is the Tripitaka. The Tripitaka is a book about the earliest collection of Buddhist teachings. Another book is called the Tibetan. The Tibetan, book of the dead, describes in detail the stages of death. The last book is the Mahayana Sutras. Its about the early Mahayana Buddhist Sutras. There are two Sutras. The Lotus Sutra describes a sermon, a public speaker, delivered by the Buddha to an assembly of Buddhas, boddhisatvas, and other celestial beings, someone delivered by the Buddha. The second book is the Heart Sutra. The book is very short and only has a few pages. It provides a summary of key Mahayana concepts.
Religious Holidays
The holidays vary by regions. The most commonly celebrated holidays are Buddha's birthday, Buddha's enlightenment, and the Lunar Quarters.
Meditation is a custom that gives mental concentration and mindfulness. In addition to meditating, another custom is a Mantra. A mantra is sacred sounds. Another thing that is practiced is a Mudra. A mudra is a symbolic hand gesture. Furthermore, they practice a prayer wheel. A prayer wheel is reciting mantras with the turn of a wheel.
The clothing that they wear is a robe. The robe illustrates two main types of religion. The robes come in three different colors. The three colors are orange, brownish, and tannish color. The clothing style follows any style of what country they live in.
Buddhism really isn't much of a hierarchy because there are only monks in the organization.
This website will give you some info. about Buddhism. This website will give you info. about the sacred texts, the practices, and the history of Buddhism and anything else related to Buddhism.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Why are there so many different cliques in schools?
Can anyone answer this question? Probably not, because most people come from different cliques. People can maybe say one to four different cliques. In reality there are over 100 different cliques because there are so many different groups of people. There are so many cliques for a lot of reasons. One reason is people have different ideas about things. Like someone might like metal and other person might like rock or something. People might like to go skating and another person might like to swim. Who really knows for sure who likes what. Sometimes having so many cliques can create problems. A rumor might start about one group and it can create fights. There is many people get mad at one another sometimes. One group could be popular. The other group can be unpopular. Sometimes a person might want to join another clique. You leave the other clique and they probably get mad at you and the clique you joined. So you see there are many different cliques and sometimes having to many in one school could lead to some minor or major problems. Thank you for reading my blog. If you have a better answer please tell me.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Dealing with Conflict
Have you ever had a problem with conflict? If you have, then you need to go to this website. Its really cool and it can help you. The website is about how to resolve a conflict. One option is to tell how you feel when they do something to you and you don't like at all. This website can give you some really cool tips. Like counting to ten slowly. This is for, if you are about to boil over or about to explode. It gives different tips for different topics on dealing with conflict. Like sticking to your idea that you think is right, like glue. Another idea that is good is just agreeing to something that you and a friend or friends agree on together. Anger can stand for something like Avoid, Never, Get, Evaluate, and Responsibility. Here are some signs of being full of anger: Sparks fly, talking to yourself, blood's a boiling, and what does it mean? If you are someone who is angry all the time, check out these tips. Also, if you deal with a lot of friend issues, check out this website. If you need to blow of some steam, then get some really cool tips on this cool website. Everybody deals with anger, so don't feel like you have a problem with being angry. Blow off some steam or just agree on something everybody agrees on. I hoped you like the website and found out really cool ways to blow off some anger. Thanks for reading this blog and hopefully checking out this website.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
School Bullying
As a part of team 3 I am excited to start blogging about school bullying. Everywhere you hear there's some kind of bullying going on. Well teachers, principles, and students need to start doing a better job at stopping this issue. If you see something don't just stand there and stare at the problem. That last sentence was towards us students than adults. Even though adults are trying to stop this, you really can't stop this issue in an instant. The main reason,I think, is because students don't come and tell teachers about themselves being bullied. If you have a problem with bullying don't be afraid to say "I being bullied by so and so". So, if you see some kind of bullying, immediately go and tell someone. Maybe you don't see this issue in high school as much, but still it doesn't matter where this happens. When you bully someone you make them feel low and shouldn't be here. Its just wrong so, stop it. Also, remember that bullying can happen at home too, even though this is about school bullying. Some people might think this isn't a big issue, but it is a big issue. It can effect a students self esteem. I hope you learned something because this can effect anyone, even you. The most important reason I blogged about school bullying is so you don't have to keep being bullied. Tell and don't let anyone make you feel like you're not important. So, if your bullying someone, stop. You can ruin someone's life forever.
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