Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dealing with Conflict

Have you ever had a problem with conflict? If you have, then you need to go to this website. Its really cool and it can help you. The website is about how to resolve a conflict. One option is to tell how you feel when they do something to you and you don't like at all. This website can give you some really cool tips. Like counting to ten slowly. This is for, if you are about to boil over or about to explode. It gives different tips for different topics on dealing with conflict. Like sticking to your idea that you think is right, like glue. Another idea that is good is just agreeing to something that you and a friend or friends agree on together. Anger can stand for something like Avoid, Never, Get, Evaluate, and Responsibility. Here are some signs of being full of anger: Sparks fly, talking to yourself, blood's a boiling, and what does it mean? If you are someone who is angry all the time, check out these tips. Also, if you deal with a lot of friend issues, check out this website. If you need to blow of some steam, then get some really cool tips on this cool website. Everybody deals with anger, so don't feel like you have a problem with being angry. Blow off some steam or just agree on something everybody agrees on. I hoped you like the website and found out really cool ways to blow off some anger. Thanks for reading this blog and hopefully checking out this website.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

School Bullying

As a part of team 3 I am excited to start blogging about school bullying. Everywhere you hear there's some kind of bullying going on. Well teachers, principles, and students need to start doing a better job at stopping this issue. If you see something don't just stand there and stare at the problem. That last sentence was towards us students than adults. Even though adults are trying to stop this, you really can't stop this issue in an instant. The main reason,I think, is because students don't come and tell teachers about themselves being bullied. If you have a problem with bullying don't be afraid to say "I being bullied by so and so". So, if you see some kind of bullying, immediately go and tell someone. Maybe you don't see this issue in high school as much, but still it doesn't matter where this happens. When you bully someone you make them feel low and shouldn't be here. Its just wrong so, stop it. Also, remember that bullying can happen at home too, even though this is about school bullying. Some people might think this isn't a big issue, but it is a big issue. It can effect a students self esteem. I hope you learned something because this can effect anyone, even you. The most important reason I blogged about school bullying is so you don't have to keep being bullied. Tell and don't let anyone make you feel like you're not important. So, if your bullying someone, stop. You can ruin someone's life forever.