Plants and animals can co exist and not co-exist together. An example to show that they do co-exist is bees and flowers. A bee needs a flower because it uses the pollen from the flower to make honey. There is a picture on the right. Another example is a clownfish and a sea anemone. The sea anemone helps the clown fish by harming the predators that want to harm them. The clownfish has a coating that protects it from the tenticles of the sea anemone. To show how a plant and animal can't co exist together is a cactus and an animal that lives in the desert like a meerkat. A rose bush and a bird can't get along. The reason is that the thorns can harm the birds feet or anything else like their wings. There is a thing called symbiosis. Which means animals and plants working together or helping each other. Not everything about symbiosis is about plants and animals helping each other. It could be about an animal and a animal helping each other or a plant and a plant helping each other. This website is mainly about symbiosis and the website gives you some examples about symbiosis. Like the clownfish and the sea anemone that I told you about. As you can see, plants and animals can co-exist and not co-exist together.