Monday, February 22, 2010

How does someone gain or maintain power?

While some people lose power, others gain or maintain power. One reason to gain power is taking over a country. Another way to gain power is getting promoted to manager. When you gain power, you gain control over someone or something. To maintain these powers could be difficult or very easy. A way to maintain power is to not mess up. If something goes wrong, then you lose it all. Another way to maintain power is to make sure that most of the people like you. If they don't, then someone might want to overthrow you. Which means no more power. If your family is royalty, that means when your parents die, then you gain control over the people you rule. Another example is your family owning a buisness. Like the royalty example, you gain power by taking over when a parent dies or retires. A way to maintain power in owning a buisness is making sure the buisness keeps running. If the buisness goes out, then you lose your power in owning it. A president gains power by getting voted by the people. A dictator gains power by overthrowing the government or ruler of the country. A dictator maintains this power by making the right choices. For example going to war when the country needs to go to war. Another right choice is doing whats right for the country. For example making sure that the government helps out people who are really poor. There are a lot of ways to gain or maintain power.


  1. Barrack Obama does not give assistance to the poor, he simply rely's on volunteered organizations to help.

    fucking cheeky cunt

  2. hi im 12 and wat is this

  3. no swearing on the christian roblox server

  4. Sorry sir this is a christian server, so no swearing
